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Are you a Preacher?

Most of the Churches so called to be one belongs to body of Christ preaches hatred gospel in the name of apologetic ministry, I am not speaking about Doctrinally compromising with scripture but to speak truth in boldness as Christ spoke. Looking into scripture Jesus warned Pharisees, Scribes, Religious leaders and Scoffers by rebuking there false belief and misunderstandings by correcting with right words that leads to God, Christ never failed the one who sent him, Christ helped his followers to understand truth by many illustrations, stories and parables. Even Paul and apostles warns churches, new converts and nominal believers by redirecting and educating churches and believers.

Questions to Preachers

The Bible speaks preacher is one who will lead a congregation of people and these qualifications have been the same for almost 2,000 years. Jesus is the perfect Shepard who sets the principles of teachings to his sheep’s through the Gospel and Scripture.

A pastor must be able to teach 1 Tim 3:2 and requires good works.

Does anger and hatred produce words Good work and Good behaviour? Own self made philosophy which are own truth does they teaches heart of God?
Scripture emphasises Charity and Love are above all, if your neighbour got misunderstanding or you disagree him then do you go on internet or speak in church of his disbelief ? this is what we need to ask our self what Jesus would have done in this situation. Definitely all believer got gift of Holy Sprit who dwells in us but till we don’t walk in foot steps of God we wont be filled by it.

Whom you are glorifying ? For whom you live ? is not word of God should be with taught with love and truth with wisdom through scripture. Apologetic doesn’t means shouting own understanding, but to teach according to scripture in Godly way, loudness doesn’t means any of you are right with word of God, you all are travelling are in same boat with own directions rather than word of God ( make sure every element of bible you follow before you tech one), is not all your’s understanding is one with people of Corinthians had? Strengthen you base first don’t lie in own understanding to be right. Not saying to compromise with world but to be wise to live godly and answer Christ in judgement day, so what you answer in that day, do you say I pressed this man for his work ? or you be glad to preach things preached by Holy Ghost? Look back and see, are your words Glorifying God and holding him upright? or just doing job which need to be done to survive, Urge to study, prayer and submission to Lord as master rather than targeting ones understanding and goals set by men in his name.

Understanding Scripture

A man who doesn’t understand scripture try to use hatred words (one that comes from flesh) that criticise other, so how can he be called Pastor at first stage? But one thing is clear that all there words were more political and own philosophy, who looks bible from own self made view & finding own Gospel and own truth instead of God’s truth. Salvation is by grace not of our works (scriptural) and after that we cant live in our own way’s but to live by faith and once submission to him as his servant as Christ died for our Sin and Christ is our redeemer, Salvation is free gift (bible says faith without works is dead and works without faith is dead) which clarifies how to live. Colossians 3 is best way Paul describes to understand to live Christ-in-life rather than just picking one of your kind of preacher/church/categories of people and preaching there weakness and making own name & fame. Speak always from scripture in-context and with reference, and live in sound doctrine.In all works and situation put yourself in place to think what Christ would have done in this case and then move, one who puts his own wisdom to solve always falls in understanding ways of God.

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.

Scripture also say’s

Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men.

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