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Dates of Events in Jeremiah

Dates Passage
Under Josiah (627–609 b.c.)
  • 1:1–19
  • 3:6–6:30
Under Jehoahaz (609) and Jehoiakim (609–597)
  • 7:1–34
  • 25:1–38
  • 26:1–24
  • 35:1–19
  • 36:1–32
  • 45:1–5
  • 46:1–28
  • 47:1–7
  • 48:1–47
Under Jehoiachin (597) and Zedekiah (597–586)
  • 20:1–22:30
  • 24:1–10
  • 27:1–22
  • 28:1–17
  • 29:1–32
  • 30:1–31:40
  • 32:1–44
  • 33:1–26
  • 34:1–22
  • 37:1–21
  • 38:1–28
  • 39:1–18
  • 49:1–39
  • 50:1–51:64
  • 52:1–34
After the Fall of Jerusalem (586)
  • 40:1–42:22
  • 43:1–44:30

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