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The Chronicler’s Presentation of the Reigns of David and Solomon

In contrast to 1–2 Samuel and 1–2 Kings, the Chronicler focuses overwhelmingly on the religious significance of the united reign of David and Solomon, principally their joint role in establishing the Davidic covenant and the Jerusalem temple. Little attention is paid to the personal and political dimensions of their rule. This difference of focus largely explains why and how the Chronicler has recast his sources, adding or omitting material, and sometimes reordering the narrative.

The Presentation of David’s Reign in 1 Chronicles 11–29 Chronicles passes over David’s sins against Uriah and Bathsheba, along with his ensuing family and political troubles. Cf. 2 Samuel 11–24
The Chronicler’s additions and expansions focus on David’s activity for the temple. David’s wars acquire materials for the temple. Additions to the census account (2 Samuel 24) explain the choice of the temple site in 1 Chronicles 21. 1 Chron. 18:8, 11; 21:27–22:1
Extensive additions focus on David’s preparations for the temple and its personnel. David, as much as Solomon, shaped Israel’s traditions of worship in the temple. 1 Chronicles 22–29
The Presentation of Solomon’s Reign in 2 Chronicles 1–9 Chronicles omits the account of Solomon’s forceful rise to power over his enemies (but cf. 1 Kings 2:46; 2 Chron. 1:1). Cf. 1 Kings 1–2
Chronicles omits reference to Solomon’s delay of temple construction in order to build his palace, as well as details of that building. Cf. 1 Kings 7:1–12
Chronicles omits reference to Solomon’s foreign wives and his culpability for the division of the kingdom. Cf. 1 Kings 11
Chronicles moves the account of Solomon’s Egyptian wife, placing it after the temple’s dedication. Cf. 1 Kings 3; 2 Chronicles 8
Chronicles omits many of the details of the temple’s construction and furnishings found in 1 Kings 7:13–51, concentrating instead on the temple as the place of God’s earthly presence, and focusing on the act of dedication. 2 Chronicles 3–7
Solomon’s prayer of dedication sets a pattern for all other royal prayers. The additions in 2 Chron. 7:12–16 highlight the temple as the place of repentance. Cf. 1 Kings 8; 2 Chronicles 6–7

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