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The Three Major Passion Predictions in Mark

Three times in Mark 8–10 Jesus predicts his death, the disciples fail to understand or to respond appropriately, and he then teaches them about discipleship.

Announcement of Jesus’ Death Failure on the Part of the Disciples Jesus Teaches on Discipleship
Jesus will suffer, be rejected, killed, and will rise after three days (8:31) Peter rebukes Jesus (8:32–33) Jesus commands them to deny themselves, take up their cross, and follow him (8:33–9:1)
Jesus will be delivered, killed, and will rise after three days (9:30–31) The disciples do not understand the saying and are afraid to ask him about it (9:32) Jesus teaches that the first must be last and that those who receive children in his name receive him (9:33–50)
Jesus will be delivered, condemned, mocked, flogged, killed, and will rise after three days (10:33–34) James and John ask that they may sit next to Jesus in his glory (10:35–37) Jesus teaches that, to be great, they must become servants; to be first, they must become slaves; and that he came to serve by giving his life as a ransom for many (10:38–45)

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