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The Vision of Peace: Farm Animals and Wild Animals Living in Harmony

In the ancient world, where survival often depended on avoiding the threats posed by wild predators, the idea of tame farm animals coexisting peacefully with wild beasts would have been almost unimaginable. This vision is vividly portrayed in the biblical text of Isaiah, where a picture of harmony between the domestic and the wild emerges.

Isaiah’s Vision of Peace

In Isaiah 11:6–9, the prophet presents a remarkable vision of peace and security that contrasts sharply with the realities of his time. The passage describes a world where natural enemies—such as lions, wolves, and bears—live alongside their usual prey without hostility. Here, even the most formidable creatures of the wild, like lions and bears, coexist harmoniously with animals typically considered prey, such as lambs and calves. The vision extends beyond mere coexistence, suggesting that the natural order itself has been transformed into a realm of peace:

“The wolf will live with the lamb, the leopard will lie down with the goat, the calf and the lion and the yearling together; and a little child will lead them. The cow will feed with the bear, their young will lie down together, and the lion will eat straw like the ox. The infant will play near the cobra’s den, and the young child will put its hand into the viper’s nest. They will neither harm nor destroy on all my holy mountain, for the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.” (Isaiah 11:6-9, NIV)

The Significance of This Vision

For the people of Isaiah’s time, this imagery would have been startling and even counterintuitive. The notion of wild animals, traditionally viewed as threats, living peacefully alongside domesticated animals would have offered a radical and comforting contrast to their daily experiences. Predators like lions and bears were very real dangers, and the vision of them living in harmony with farm animals would have symbolized a profound transformation of the natural world.

This vision is not just a depiction of an idyllic future but a powerful metaphor for the peace and safety that will characterize the coming messianic age. It reflects the profound changes that Isaiah prophesied would occur when God’s kingdom is established. In this new order, the natural enmities and dangers that have plagued humanity will be abolished, leading to an era of unprecedented tranquility.

Continuity and Change in Isaiah’s Vision

Isaiah’s vision also appears in a later passage, Isaiah 65:17–25, which reaffirms and expands on the themes of peace and harmony. This passage echoes the earlier vision, emphasizing a future where former threats are eliminated, and the natural world is transformed into a realm of harmony and peace. This continuation underscores the consistent biblical theme of God’s promise to restore and renew creation, aligning the natural world with divine justice and peace.


Isaiah’s depiction of farm animals and wild animals living in harmony offers a profound image of peace and transformation. For a society accustomed to the constant threat of wild predators, such a vision would have been both inspiring and reassuring. It reflects a deep hope for a future where divine intervention will restore order and safety to the world, transcending the divisions and dangers that currently characterize human existence. This vision continues to resonate as a powerful symbol of hope and the promise of a better future.

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